Contact us for special requests or services not listed.
Full Service Bottom Cleaning
Our signature service covers the entire bottom from the waterline down to the keel. This includes all running gear and thru-hulls. An underwater inspection is also included with a report on the condition of the bottom, zincs, and any damage. Anodes/zincs are changed if needed at the standard rate listed on this page.
Sailboat Full Service Bottom Cleaning rates
$3.00/ft. - Monthly maintenance schedule
$4.00/ft. - Quarterly maintenance schedule
$5.00/ft. - No maintenance schedule
Power & Multi-hull Full Service Bottom Cleaning rates
$5.00/ft. - Monthly maintenance schedule
$6.00/ft. - Quarterly maintenance schedule
$7.00/ft. - No maintenance schedule
Running Gear Cleaning (ONLY)
We offer flexibility for customers who do not require an entire bottom cleaning. Any propellers, shafts, struts, rudders, trim tabs, thrusters, and thru-hulls will be cleaned. Includes an underwater inspection.
Running Gear Cleaning Rates
Sailboat - $2.50/ft.
Powerboat or Muli-hull - $3.50/ft.
Anode/Zinc Replacement
It's absolutely critical that sacrificial anodes are replaced in order to protect your beautiful yacht from galvanic corrosion. We use the finest anodes made of zinc alloy. Includes an underwater inspection.
Anode/Zinc Replacement Rates
$15 per anode + cost of anodes at current retail value.
Underwater Inspection
A regular inspection helps ensure your investment is protected. We'll conduct a thorough inspection of the bottom, looking for damage or blisters, and report the bottom paint condition and anode/zinc conditions. A bottom cleaning, running gear cleaning, or anode/zinc replacement service includes a courtesy inspection.
Inspection Rate
$80 - Sailboats & Powerboats
Lost Item Recovery
If you dropped something overboard, then we can find it! Please do not attempt to retrieve the item yourself. An experienced diver is needed to find items in dark water. Most recoveries are completed in less than an hour.
Recovery Rate
$100/hour (1 hour minimum)
Unfoul Prop / Debris Removal
We can safely remove any dock line, fishing line, crab trap or other debris that has wrapped around your propeller or other areas under the boat. Most jobs are completed within one hour.
Debris Removal Rate
$80/hour (1 hour minimum)